My name is Joanna Kotek and I am a certified sport psychologist.
I like working with team sports the best but it doesn’t mean we can’t cooperate if you are competing individually.
I earned my master degree in psychology at Jagiellonian University, with a thesis about pre-performance routines and mantras. Now I am a PhD student, also at Jagiellonian University and my research is centred around passion and well-being in sport.
I like strawberries, travels and Africa.
You can work with me in a few different ways:
- Individual sessions
Concentrated around psychological counselling or mental training. The most common topics are stress, concentration, self-confidence, going back to the sport after injury, managing emotions, etc. At the moment (due to the situation), all the sessions are held online.
If you want to book the session, go here.
- Group workshops
It is possible to arrange a meeting when I will conduct psychological workshops for the whole team or group of people. The possibilities include, but are not limited to: working on team communication and coherence, workshops for coaches, workshops for parents etc.
To receive the detailed offer, contact me via email, phone or contact form on the website.
- Coaching
If you need some help with rethinking your life and goals, with finding your life and work values and priorities, coaching is the process for you. In the sports area, coaching is best-recommended forest recommended for: athletes changing or finishing career and coaches.
If you want to book the session, go here.
05.2020 | Certificate in Sport Psychology for Athletes Development; Barca Innovation Hub
01.2020 | Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (II grade)
06.2019 | coaching school according to ACTP level guidelines of the International Coach Federation
01.2018 | Postgraduate Level Intensive Course of European Master in Sport & Excercise Psychology; University of Thessaly,
03.2017 | Bibliotherapy (III grade)
11.2015 | Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (I grade)
06.2011 | Applied Drama Practitioner
Polish Psychological Association, Sport Psychology Section
European Network for Young Specialists in Sport Psychology